Enjoy Delicious Kansas Pecans 913-849-3358
Enjoy Delicious Kansas Pecans913-849-3358

Just the Facts

  • Buy pecans during the fall harvest season while they’re plentiful.  When selecting pecans, look for plump nutmeats that are fairly uniform in color and size.
  • Always keep your pecans in clean and dry containers to protect them from insects and odors.  Their high oil content absorbs foreign flavors readily.
  • Pecans should be kept under refrigeration to best preserve their fresh color, aroma, and flavor.  The lower the temperature, the longer the nuts will keep, so freezing them is the recommended way to keep fresh.
  • Pecans stored at room temperature will remain fresh for only about 2 months; in the refrigerator they may be kept for about 9 months; and in the freezer, they will remain in good condition for 2 years.  They will keep better in glass containers.
  • Remember to thaw the frozen nuts before using.  You may refreeze your pecans again and again during the two year storage period without affecting their quality or texture.



Grove Location

Prothe's Pecans
33850 Victory Rd
Paola, KS 66071

Phone: 913-849-3358 or 913-449-1719

E-mail: lsprothe@gmail.com

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© Prothe's Pecans 2021